Add history link directly on fuel price from template, when history is activated.
03/09/2023 :
Bug fix to correct an error when saving an equipment already existing, more detail:
03/02/2023 :
Update equipment page design to latest Jeedom standard.
08/14/2022 :
Update gaz station list.
03/14/2022 :
05/11/2022 :
Add mobile and desktop widgets with station logo view (list of logos to be completed)
Distance to gaz station is egal to 0km if ther isn’t any localisation define yet.
03/04/2022 :
added definition of price list update frequency in the equipment config
modification of the display layout in the equipment
added geolocation command for top station calculation.
added option to update automatically the top stations with the update of the geolocation command
Update to be compatible with Jeedom v4.2
Fixed a bug that kept the old top price, even if there was no value to display
Add the oissubility to select the display order of favorites
After this update, all equipment will need to be open to update configuration. This to allow all following point to works correctly.
Gaz station files updates (JSON)
Improve favorite selection
Add the possibility on one equipement to follow several favorites (up to 10) and gaz stations arround a location.
When the first equipement is created, creation of the list of price.
During first install, gaz station price are collected from government website. In order to have fresh values.
Show only activated geoloc
However if you have the message “No more stations available in the selected radius”, please select again the location option and save the equipement.
Add dynamix geolocation through Geoloc plugin (for car in mouvement, for example)
Documentation update
Added on Jeedom market !
Translation created (fr_FR and en_US)
Update command tab on equipement, for a better presentation and add the possibilty to choose which element can be historized.